Oct. 2022Proccessing

MetaBuilder DAO

I found that there are many unfair aspects in the society, and the most effective way to address this is by building a new system wthat allows disadvantaged individuals to receive help from others rather than relying solely on government support. MetaBuilder DAO creates a simulated world where people have their skills and development histories recorded, enabling them to showcase their potential and integrate into work and life.

Mar. 2022

Fire Sentry - A Highly Sensitive Smoke Detection System

After I created a company successfully, I had an opportunity to start a high-tech company. This company uses AI technology to detect potential fires. We deployed our products in several forest farms and timber companies.
Oct. 2022Proccessing

0risk DAO

I have noticed that many people have significant misunderstandings about Web3 and blockchain, and they find it challenging to get started in this field. I joined the founding of 0risk DAO, which is dedicated to addressing this issue.

May. 2021

"Guarding Children's Hearts" Rural Teaching

As a Leader of teachers, I recurited teachers and led the Teachers' Group to provide voluntary teaching services to students in rural areas. In this experience, I noticed that countryside students need more resource and help so that they can show their potential.

Apr. 2022

Travel Planning System for Individuals

As an undergraduate in China, I find that many students have needs to travel around when they finish their study. However, they do not choose to travel around because they do not want to spend time planning their travel. So I organized some teammates to work with me, and developed a travel planning system together which cooperates with some companies.

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